Emmaus Strategies

Emmaus Strategies LLP
Business Model
Social Giving & Engagement
Emmaus Strategies believes that every individual, organization and community can live out the best version of who they are meant to be and be a force for greater good. As such, we work on a strategic model to “fuel good”; we pursue this social mission by building people, organizations and communities to thrive for good.
Since our inception in 2017, we have worked with non-profits, governmental as well as ground-up movements through our two strategic thrusts of strategic volunteer partnerships training and consultancy and mental well-being programmes.
To date, we have reached close to 600 individuals and partnered close to 100 organizations over nearly 30 projects. We believe our work in growing individuals, organizations and communities will help them thrive for good.
Emmaus is a Business for Good and a social enterprise member of The Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise (raiSE).
Emmaus Strategies LLP
My Mail Box 883024
Singapore 919191
The Founder - James Lim
The Founder
A social worker by profession, James has a passion for helping people and organizations grow and thrive for good. As such, you will find him meaningfully engaged in various training, consulting, coaching and mentoring with individuals, social purpose entities and governmental institutions.
Having experienced and beaten burnout and depression, and having seen how burnout and depression affects one’s work, health and family life, he now dedicates his time to helping people and organizations understand about burnout and how to begin to take steps to prevent and overcome it.
With more than 15 years of working experience in the social services and in building strategic volunteer partnerships in charities such as The Salvation Army and Care Corner Singapore, he strongly believes in the potential of volunteer programmes in growing impact through social purpose entitles, as well as in resourcing these very social purpose entities for greater good.
He continues to speak extensively on these topics of burnout prevention and management and of strategic volunteer management at conferences, talks and has also been featured in media and publications.
In combining his passions in these two areas, he also founded Emmaus Strategies, a Social Enterprise, in 2017 and today, he continues to “fuel good” in what he does.
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