About the Company:
EBENEZER is a ever evolving group. Our main business are in Logistics, Solar energy, CNC precision engineering, Evenet Infrastructure and Non-Destructive testing.
Our logistics business started in 2020 one month before covid came and we have during the pandemic grew rapidly and currently we have almost a fleet of 100 trucks under our operation. From cold chain to electronics, medical euqipment to all kinds of specialised delivery. We are now moving into warehousing to further grow the logistics arm.
Solar buinsess started in 2018. We started off building solar system on top of HDBs for Sunseap and we have over ther years grew from not just a contractor that installl but a supermarket of solar supplies for fellow builders in the solar industry and we own our very own sturcture to install the solar system. We have since moved into building and integratig solar system for our own customers and today we have completed more than 20MW of projects and still counting.
Event infrastructure business started way in 2017 where we build our first NDP 2017 stage on the marina bay floating platform. we move on to do 2018 NDP stage, christmas wonderland set up at gardens by the bay from 2016-2019, SMBC golf at sentosa from 2018 to 2020, F1 turn 3 premier grandstand, deisgn and build from 2018 till now. we have also participated in numberous major concert set up and even the revent Army open house 2022!
CNC precision engineering business was started in 2013 and we served the marine offshore, semi conductor and manufacturing industry with machined mechanical parts. This is a buinsess that have consistent in production for the last 9 years.
Non-destructive testing is our group oldest business and started since 1993. We have our glorious days back in 2007 to 2017, and then we have since moved on to serving and focusing on greener business.
33 KIAN TECK WAY S628746

About the
Group CEO
Serial entrepreneur Lawrence KIM born 1982, grew up in a simple family living with parents and sibilings in a HDB. Since young, he is a very motivated boy and wish to build an empire of his own and worked hard since his secondary school days. Teaching piano at Community centres and working as a waiter on weekend, and then he realise this is getting no where. after O Levels, he decided to venture in his very own business, a printing business helping businesses print namecards, envelope, posters, magazines, forms and etc.
Education: Lawrence has a diploma in Banking and Financials services from Singapore Poly and he moved on to secure his degree in in Business Management from Singapore Management University. During the time when he was in SMU, he has through a school project, managed to gain his first Patent in 2010 in his name. In 2009, he won the national champion (Singapore) at the Global Student Entreprenuer award by EO and subsequently awarded 2 global title in Kansas city in the USA; 2nd runner up in Global Student entreprenuer award and a special award, Lessons from the Edge. That year, Lawrence won 2 of the 6 awards given out in Kansas City. He has also done executive program in TsingHua university and MIT Global.
2022 marks Lawrence's 23 years as an entrepreneur, a true breed entrepreneur who has sucessfully venutred into many business from different sector and has move from a business heavily in the oil and gas sector, pivoted to green business from solar to low energy building to having its staff go on electric vehicles and starting a business to encourage and push for green revolt!