About the Company:
The Founder of Rich Innovation Engineering Pte Ltd , Mr.Chinniah Ilango, started the business in 2018. The business supply and install of Mechanical, Electrical and fire Protection system doing one stop solution for the cilent. Rich Innovation Engineering offers design,installation and Maintenance of both domestic and commericial air conditioning and ventrilation systems for office/work stations, dental surgeries, server rooms, shop,school,colleges, restaurants, showrooms, laboratiries, supermarkets and health center.
Rich Innovation Engineering adopts a whole system approch that helps clients realize the maximum potential of their site design and building infrastructure while meeting the project's other requirements. They offer value to their clients by utilizing cost and value engineering throught the planning, design and development process.Economic analysis is applied to evaluate design alternative that offer the most efficient solution.
In short span of 4 years, since the company opening , they've already completed more than 50 successful projects, some examples include A&A works for bugis plus, Ion Orchard, J cube, Singapore polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Rich Innovation Engineering Pte Ltd is diffrent from its competitors, as most competitors only focus on one field, such as Electrical or ACMV or Fire protection services, But Rich Innovation Engineering pte ltd focus on all sectors, and one stop solution for all of its clients.Current Company manpower strength of fifty people.
Rich Innovation Engineering Pte Ltd
48 Tohguan Road East

About the
The Managing Director
Mr. Chinniah Ilango Founder of Rich Innovation Engineering Pte Ltd started the business in 2018.Having been in the industry for more than twenty five years, Studied in Bachalor Electrical Electronics , Bachalor in Mechanical Engineer, Master in international construction Management.
Mr.Chinniah Ilango worked in Few companies, where started as a general worker. Worked way up to being a supervisor, then an Engineer, then a manager, and Finaly become a project Director. He is capable of handling both Electrical and mechnicanical technical issues as well us site issues.