About the Company:
Sequoia Group comprises Sequoia Consulting, Sustainabiity Institute, Sequoia Networks and our international subsidiary, SG Redwoods. We are a leadership and organisation development (L&OD) consultancy specialising in strategic planning, change management, stakeholder engagement, leadership development, and organisational learning. For over two decades, we have served more than 10,000 leaders and 200 clients across the public, people and private sectors through our transformational L&OD solutions. We help organisations discover their 'DNA for Good', and help them develop strategies for lasting, positive impact, not just for shareholders but also for employees, society and planet.
Our Purpose:
Our purpose is to enable organisations to become truly Worthy of People's Commitment
Our Vision:
Sequoia's vision is to be a beacon of Living O.D. in the world, a transformative force for Human Systems Flourishing, enabling organisations to become worthy of people's commitment. Our vision for a better world is encapuslated in the phrase "Engaged Organisations, Flourishing Communities". Encapusulatd in the Chinese characters "世格雅", we envision a world that is characterised by graciousness and generousity, and that organisations exist as a force for greater good.
Our Core Values:
Care – at one level, caring means to really care about the people who made a choice to work with us and people whom we choose to work with. Secondly, it is about caring for the mission of the organizations that we work with, as if they were our own.
Commitment – commitment is about integrity, professionalism and dedication to the highest quality work we are capable of in all the projects that we undertake. Commitment is also about delivering on promise to our customers, suppliers, employees and partners.
Community – we contribute towards building a more cohesive and stronger community directly, and through our clients. We support client organizations whose work have a direct impact on the community and help them clarify their business and social missions.
Continuity – we care about the long-term consequences of our work and are committed to ensuring that capacity-transfers take place so that people within the system are able to carry on the work even after our engagement with them has ended. Continuity is also about reminding our clients about their long-term accountability to the environment and to their immediate stakeholders.
Choice – we make affirmative choices so that our clients are aware of what we stand for and what we believe in. We know we have a choice in the kinds of projects we undertake and the people we want to work with. Making conscious choices allow us to stay focused and enables us, in turn to deliver on our commitment.
Example of Our O.D. Solutions & Programmes
· Purpose, Vision & Core Values Development
· Strategic Planning & Horizon Scanning
· Stakeholder Engagement & Change Acceptance
· Leadership Development - Servant Leadership, Resonant Leadership & Engaging Leadership
· Organisation Learning & Systems Leadership
· Art of Participatory Leadership (Art of Hosting)
· Appreciative Inquiry - Foundations & Practitioners Certification
· Sustainability & ESG Consulting
(Gallery photos to be updated)
Sequoia Group Pte Ltd
656253 1615
420 North Bridge Road #05-37 Singapore 188727

About the
The Founders
Jacqueline founded Sequoia Group in 2001 and she was joined by Shang in 2006 as a co-director and Chief Executive. Together they expanded the group by co-founding Sustainability Institute, Sequoia Networks and SG Redwood, Sequoia's subsidiary in Cambodia. They are firm believers that organisations are vital sources of creativity, innovation and enterprise in the world. Beyond the Hippocratic oath of "doing less harm", or under the banner of "more than profits", the epitome of sustainable success in any industry is increasingly defined by the industry leader's ability to create "lasting positive impact" to people, society and planet. Having worked with over 10,000 leaders and close to 150 client systems, they have accumulated a deep asset base of stories, frameworks and methodologies to help businesses who are looking for ways to "Do Good Well". Sequoia's purpose remains steadfastly focused on helping to nurture and create organisations that are truly worthy of people's commitment and their latest work is expressed through their suite of programmes under the title "DNA for Good."