About the Company:

ASIAWIDE FRANCHISE CONSULTANTS PTE LTD (AFC) is one of the most experienced franchise consulting companies in Asia. We started out as the Singapore franchisee, then the Asia Pacific region master franchisee of a UK franchise consulting group based in the UK in 1983.
We are connected worldwide : AFC has close to 80 associated offices in more than 50 countries including Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Croatia, England (UK), France. Finland. Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Middle East, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, Vietnam. We added the FCI group of 18 Latin-American (Ibero-America) offices in 2019.
Our track record:Over the last 32 years, we have helped more than 1300 companies from various industries in Asia to develop their franchises to expand locally and worldwide.In addition to our worldwide network, we are recognized for our in-depth knowledge, experience, credentials, insight and qualifications. Three of our consultants are the first to attain the Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) title in Singapore. CFE is awarded by the International Franchise Association (IFA), based in Washington, D.C., USA.A few of us are also Certified Management Consultants (CMC) and certified productivity consultant (CPC); and we are also (Senior) Practicing Management Consultants - SPMC; this title is awarded by the Singapore Business Advisors & Consultants Council / PMC Certification Board, recognized by the government bodies in Singapore.With our practical experience and professional qualifications, we are able to help clients from various industries to develop very strategic and effective franchise packages, conduct incisive franchise audits, help to mediate between disputing parties and to develop a market entry strategic plan into a foreign territory.
We provide several strategic platforms for our clients to promote their franchises worldwide effectively. Our sister company Asiawide Trends Pte Ltd is the publisher of the world’s only English Chinese bilingual Asia Franchise & Business Opportunities magazine launched by the then Dy CEO of Singapore Trade Development Board (now called ESG) on March 28 1994. We are regularly invited to speak at franchise seminars and at exhibitions all over the world. To-date, we have spoken in close to 50 countries in over 400 occasions.To add-value to our array of services, we participate in 30+ franchise & related exhibitions every year. This will help market our clients’ franchise opportunities throughout the world.
Yet another platform is our database of prospective franchisees built over the last 32 years. We have successfully found franchisees for quite a number of franchises. Due to our strong rapport overseas, we are regularly requested by government agencies, chambers of commerce and franchise associations to organize franchise study mission tours to other countries. All these activities help to broaden our world’s perspective and experience and contacts, which we share with our clients.Our track record and our clients’ testimonies are our best advertisement.
We Know Franchising.
Asiawide Franchise Consultants Pte Ltd
7B Aliwal Street, Chenn Leonn Building, 3rd Flr, Room 2, Singapore 199900

"Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."
About the
Managing Director - Albert Kong
Albert is the CEO of Asiawide Franchise Consultants and has more than 32 years of franchising experience. When he was Group Marketing Manager with a public-listed company The Hour Glass Ltd (1988), that company bought a pizza franchise business called Milano Pizza. He then became GM Marketing for a subsidiary of a listed company (Bonvests Holdings Ltd) that was the master franchisee of Starbucks, Burger King, Orange Julius, and Dairy Queen in 1989.
He was later headhunted to become the GM of a franchise consulting company Franchise Development Services Pte Ltd in 1990. Via an MBO, he bought over the business and operated as master franchisee (franchised from the UK ) for 11 years (1991-2002) and set up Asiawide Franchise Consultants Pte Ltd (name change) in November 2003. He leads a team of very experienced consultants (who have helped more than 1300 Asian companies (as of the end of 2020) develop and market their franchises throughout the region, and/or conduct feasibility studies and other business consulting services. He currently has the world’s biggest network of franchise consultants & strategic partners (>70 persons) in more than 50 nations worldwide. He is the Executive Council member of Singapore's Franchising & Licensing Association (FLA) for 28 years and was a Member of the Franchise Services Advisory Committee at the then Singapore Trade Development Board (now named as Enterprise Singapore) in 1993 and 1994.
He was a Board member of the Asia Pacific Centre for Franchising Excellence (APCFE) based in Griffith University, Australia 2011-2018. Furthermore, he represents Singapore at the World Franchise Council and the Asia Pacific Franchise Confederation since 1994. Albert has been awarded twice 2008 & 2017 by the China Chain and Franchise Association (CCFA); twice by the Association of Chain & Franchise Promotion, Taiwan (ACFPT); and twice by the ASEAN Retail & Franchise Federation (ARFF). Other recognitions & awards were from Egypt, Indonesia, India, the UK, Singapore, etc. Albert also received the Ministry of Home Affairs- Long Service Award (2011) by Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean for service ( Honorary Sec-Gen) at ISCOS (a cooperative for ex-offenders); Singapore National Co-operative Federation---Certificate of Honour 2013 by Lim Swee Say, then Minister at Prime Minister’s Office; and Ministry of Education—Service to Education award--School Advisory Committee member (Dy Chairman) at Woodgrove Secondary since 2010...In 2017, he was named one of 20 Faces To Watch by UK’s Global Franchise; he was also nominated as one of the world’s leading practitionersin Who’s Who Legal- Franchising 2017.
On Oct 5th, 2018 he was awarded “WALI-KADIN Franchise Appreciation 2018” by the Indonesia Franchising & Licensing Society, and the trade sector of the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce for contributing to the growth of franchising in Indonesia. On 20th Nov 2018, he was awarded an Appreciation Certificate by the Egyptian Franchise Development Association during their franchise expo held in Nile Ritz Carlton, Egypt. Having spoken in 44 countries concerning franchising, he has also been interviewed more than 200 times by media companies around the world.
Moreover, he co-wrote a book called "Developing and Managing a Franchise" published by LexisNexis (USA), and launched by Mr. Vivian Balakrishnan, the current Foreign Minister of Singapore. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Asia Franchise & Business Opportunities magazine which is the world’s only English-Chinese bilingual franchise magazine published since March 28, 1994. He can be reached via Facebook albert.kong.792, LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/albert-kong-b145b1 and WeChat xinjiapoJiangJinXing