About the Company:

Company Profile
LHT Holdings Limited is a public listed company in the ECO environmental business that has been in the timber industry for more than 40 years. Established in 1977, LHT is one of the largest manufacturing companies of high-quality wooden pallets, boxes, and crates in Singapore. LHT has a staff strength of 180 involves in the areas of administration, manufacturing, and warehousing.
LHT has been relentless in our efforts to provide products of cutting-edge technology, constantly investing and upgrading to ensure we are always able to meet changing market demands and provide the best value-added products and services to our customers. Our accolade is proof of our innovative spirit and dedication to excellence in products and services.
Overcoming limited space and scarce natural resources, Singapore has become internationally recognized for its environmental sustainability strategy, with recycling as one of its key pillars. Homegrown company LHT is playing a vital role in advancing the government's recycling initiative with its pioneering efforts to transform waste wood and horticultural waste into eco-friendly packaging materials and other wood-based products.
Singapore First Wood Waste Recycling Plant
LHT opened the country's first wood waste recycling plant in 1999 as part of its commitment towards a greener and more sustainable future. Equipped with state-of-the-art German technology, the company's recycling plant produces "new wood", dubbed as Technical Wood, out of unwanted wooden cases, pallets, furniture, construction wood, and other wood wastes. Residual sawdust and wood chips at the plant are even mixed as biofuel for in-house cogeneration use. LHT also supplies 100,000 tonnes of wood chips a year to feed a local renewable energy plant.
Technical Wood – an engineered compressed wood made of wood waste material
Technical Wood can be classified as a truly green product because the entire life cycle of the product, from cradle to grave is sustainable. The timber preparation process (from its raw form to a useable condition) of natural softwood and Technical Wood. Technical wood helps to recycle wood waste and convert them into useful products. Biomass wood waste is also used as the energy source to generate power for the wood waste recycling production line. Although the figure shows that the carbon dioxide emission for natural softwood preparation is higher than that of Technical Wood, the impact of deforestation is not taken into consideration. The CO2 emission assessment of the two products from Cradle to Gate. The figure shows that pallets manufactured out of Technical Wood can generate 11.52% better CO2 emission savings. In addition to Technical Wood pallets, there will also be CO2 emission savings from manufacturing doors and floors out of Technical Wood instead of natural hardwood.
Technology For Good – “Innovative Processed Product Convention (IPPC) Pallet”
The Innovative Process Product Conversion (IPPC) Pallet series is fast gaining a strong foothold in the arena of green products that are designed and produced to reduce carbon footprints. The pallets provide innovative packing solutions that help customers reduce waste, thereby contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions.
LHT innovative processed product conversion (IPPC) used 50% to 100% technical woods/block as components, which are made from its wood waste recycling plant that produces the “World First Pest Free” pallet. The Pest-Free pallets have a lower carbon footprint and are exempted for heat-treatment process, hassle-free entry to all countries’ quarantine that enforcing ISPM 15 implementation.
These extensively accepted environmentally-friendly packaging solutions enable customers to comply with international eco-friendly standards and regulations. Wastage is also reduced by re-engineering the packaging materials in various aspects such as shape, size, functionality, and capacity, etc. The Innovative Processed Product Conversion (IPPC) line of pallets, crates, and boxes do not require fumigation or heat treatment when exported, saving both costs and delivery time compared to those made from natural wood.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
We are always conscious of our role in the conservation of natural resources. Recycling is one of many efforts that reflect our commitment towards mitigating climate change and deforestation.
LHT Holdings Ltd
656269 7890
No 27 Sungei Kadut Street 1, Singapore 729335

"Engaging Customers to Go Green"
About the
Chairwoman, CEO & Managing Director - May Yap Mui Kee
Embedding Sustainability in the Organisation
For more than 30 years, Ms May Yap has been managing LHT’s operations with the aim
of reducing the amount of waste generated through recycling. The company established
Singapore’s first wood waste recycling plant that produces re-engineered wood products
from wood waste. The use of this technology lowers waste disposal costs by a few hundred
thousand dollars, saves 4,500 trees, and reduces electricity usage by 75,100 kWh
annually. Steam generated during production is collected and re-used in a closed-loop
process so water is constantly recycled.